The traditional significance of the Chinese flag
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The traditional significance of the Chinese flag

Release time:2022-06-17 14:15 view:147 次

The national flag has deepened the basic meaning of the "flag", broadened the connotation of "socialism with Chinese characteristics", and further highlighted the importance of the flag issue.

The flag is used to guide the direction and future. Generally speaking, people compare appealing and representative thoughts, theories or ideas to flags. The red color on the national flag of the people's Republic of China symbolizes revolution. The five five pointed stars on the flag and their mutual relations symbolize the great unity of the revolutionary people under the leadership of the Communist Party. The five pointed stars are used to show light on the red ground. Yellow is brighter and more beautiful than white. Each of the four small five pointed stars is facing the center of the big star, which means unity around a center and also looks compact and beautiful in form. The combination of red and gold reflects the sanctity and solemnity of the people's Republic of China. Our flag making also follows the guiding and positive significance of design and creation.

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