Brief description of flag types
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Brief description of flag types

Release time:2022-06-14 14:59 view:90 次

There are many kinds of flags with different purposes, which can be roughly divided into:

1. political: national flag, party flag, military flag, league flag, etc. However, the number of national flags and regional flags in the world is large and the printing is complex.

2. logographic: all enterprises, institutions, mass organizations, schools, etc. display the image of the unit with striking emblems or words.

3. propaganda: such as advertising banners, cheerleading banners for competitions and banners for publicity and morale boosting.

4. ceremonial: team flags of sports teams, brocade flags for mutual gifts and awards, and various ceremonial flags.

5. for sea use: signal flags, communication flags, command flags, etc. are essential on ocean going ships and naval vessels (each set has 46 flags with different shapes, colors and graphics).

There are also some other kinds of flags, which are widely distributed, such as factory flags, colored flags, etc. Among the above five types of flags, except for the Chinese national flag and the party flag of the Communist Party of China, which have production enterprises designated by government departments, the production of other types of flags is distributed in all walks of life, which is difficult to count.

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